Internet Explorer version 7
· 2006-10-20 08:05 by Thijs Kroesbergen for Brokenwire.NET
Yesterday I installed the brand new internet explorer 7.
Things I like about it:
- Fast startup time
- Tabs with a cool preview mode
- Supposed to be more standards compatible…
Things I hate about it:
- It’s IE (If you’re a web-developer you know what that means)
- WGA Check before installation is possible, really annoying. And if you can’t install IE7, what keeps you from ignoring IE completely and installing Firefox without any nags?
- Really annoying (== slow) phishing detection
- Even more annoying warning about my self signed SSL certificate. The warning itself is correct, but I cannot tell it I want to trust that certificate anyway. (With firefox I can tell it to trust that certificate, so I only get the annoying warning once)
Wel.. Check out for yourself: