Equals is not Differs
· 2010-10-12 12:43 by Thijs Kroesbergen for Brokenwire.NET
Just a small code snippet I wanted to share with you… (it made me laugh and cry at the same time)
public bool Equals(Adres a2) { return !Differs(a2); } public bool Differs(Adres a2) { return (a2 == null) || (this.Straat != a2.Straat) || (this.Huisnummer != a2.Huisnummer) || (this.Postcode != a2.Postcode) || (this.Plaats != a2.Plaats) || (this.DatumIngang != a2.DatumIngang) || (!this.DatumEinde.HasValue && a2.DatumEinde.HasValue) || (this.DatumEinde.HasValue && !a2.DatumEinde.HasValue) || (this.DatumEinde.HasValue && a2.DatumEinde.HasValue && (this.DatumEinde.Value != a2.DatumEinde.Value)) ; }
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