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Visual Studio 2008 RTM
· 2007-11-19 19:12 by Thijs Kroesbergen for Brokenwire.NET

Last weekend I was playing with Visual Studio 2008 (Orcas Beta 2) , and I came up with CloudStore. Today Microsoft announced the RTM version of Visual Studio 2008. So it’s final and it’s coming my way right now. Finally a good use for my 20mbit connection!

Everyone who has access to the MSDN Subscriber downloads can download, it’s in the list of Top Subscriber Downloads.

For a quick overview of it’s new features see the blog of Daniel Moth, he wrote about the things that changed between Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. Also there will be an article in the next edition of the "Getronicles".

If Visual Studio 2008 isn’t new enough for you, there’s Rosario to look forward to.

Update: For everyone who doesn’t have access to the subscriber downloads, you can get a free trial version!

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