· 2010-10-12 16:22 by Thijs Kroesbergen for Brokenwire.NET
Here you can find various posts written by my blogging friends.
Via Olav's blog: Een goede bestandstructuur opzetten voor je foto’s. Hoe doe je dat?
· 2015-10-30 20:53 by Olav
Het ordenen van foto’s is erg belangrijk, zeker als je veel aan het fotograferen bent of veel dingen maakt met […]
The post Een goede bestandstructuur opzetten voor je foto’s. Hoe doe je dat? appeared first on Olav Kwakman.
Via _cyclops_’s blog: K2Five: (Process) Escalations
· 2017-10-24 19:32 by Ruben
K2Five’s new workflow designer is a great improvement over the old designers. Improvement and innovation can’t always be made on top of legacy supported systems. This means that some features change and/or might not be available at this time of first release. The new designer is a big change and i’d like to highlight some …
Continue reading "K2Five: (Process) Escalations"
Via _cyclops_’s blog: K2Five: Creating an asynchronous event
· 2017-10-19 16:55 by Ruben
With the new release of K2 five and it’s workflow designer, we do not have the capability to write custom code in our workflow anymore. For some, this is a shocker and unbelievable. Having no code in your workflow has been a best practice for some organizations for years and as a low-code platform, it’s …
Continue reading "K2Five: Creating an asynchronous event"